Tuesday, 10 July 2012

On surviving grad school

I think the only way to survive grad school is to be a total nerd or to have awesome roommates. Luckily, I have both.

Total nerd-ness in the acquisition lab: begin.

In the belly of the whale: Wells A-wing 740
 What's more, we now have some sweet digs in the new Wells Hall B-wing addition!

I may not be a real linguist yet, but damn does my new lab look good!

I estimate that having access to a pleasant workplace increases my nerd-dom by, oh, one billion points, give or take two. Whereas before I would spend all day in the lab as a matter of course, now I actually like spending the larger part of my late twenties there. Check out, for instance, the view:

View of outside. And of Curt's underarms.
What with the big windows, sometimes it feels a bit like being on display at the zoo, but hey, it beats being buried alive at the morgue.

Now for the other half of surviving grad school: roommates. These are, ideally, people who know zero about linguistics and couldn't care less and still think you are cool despite the fact that you are two years into your graduate education and you still have to admit that you can't explain what Reconstruction Effects or Downward Monotone Environments are supposed to be--well, not in words, per se.

Meet Jaclyn Menacher (right) and Anel Guel (left), also known as "The Mermaid" and the, uh, obviously not a mermaid.

Sadly, Anel has left for two years to do Peace Corps in Peru. Te extrano, mi querida tirafuegos! Luckily I still have my beautiful lab, and my other roommate, Jaclyn, to keep me from the grave and/or insanity. Only three more years!

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